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Welcome Back

By 2 September 2024September 11th, 2024No Comments

We are thrilled to open our doors to all our returning Griffins and extend an
extra special greeting to all our new Griffins and their families.

This year promises to be filled with even more opportunities and new experiences for
all our pupils. We have exciting plans and initiatives to further enhance our overall
learning experience as we continue to focus on developing well rounded individuals
who will not only excel academically but also in extracurricular activities and character
building endeavors.

As always, we encourage active parental engagement from parents and guardians, as
we firmly believe strong partnerships greatly contributes to our pupilsā€™ successes.
Throughout the year we will ensure we continue to communicate all events, academic
milestones, important dates and so in variety of ways, weekly updates , Newsletters, Texts, Website, emails, Our School App,
Facebook, X and via Class Dojo.

Letā€™s embark on this exciting journey of fun, partnerships,
learning and growth together and make 24-25 a year to remember.
