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Our school



Our school





Uniform is compulsory at Chivenor Primary School, as well as other schools across the country; we strongly believe that wearing uniform promotes a sense of belonging, identity and pride. It plays a valuable role in contributing to the ethos of a school.


We have a smart, but simple uniform that we require all pupils to wear.

  • Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • Navy blue jumper / cardigan school logo requested
  • White shirt with school tie or white polo short
  • Dark or white socks
  • Dark coloured, plain tights (no patterns)
  • Plain black shoes (no open toe or backless shoes) or plain black trainers
  • In winter monthsā€™ boots can be worn to school and pupils change into shoes/trainers once at school
  • Headwear for religious observance (navy blue or white)

Summer Uniform Variations (optional)

  • Blue and white checked summer dress
  • White polo shirt preferably with school logo and grey shorts

Hair and Jewellery

We ask that any hairstyle that could be seen as ā€œextremes of fashionā€ (mohicans, coloured extensions and patterned hair etc.) are not created in term time.

No jewellery to be worn, with the exception of a single pair of small, plain stud earrings and watch.

Physical Education Uniform

At Chivenor, there is an expectation that our students wear a suitable PE uniform:

  • Navy blue shorts / joggers
  • White plain t-shirt
  • Black pumps or trainers
  • Swimming costume/shorts where sessions are offered

Long hair must be tied back for PE lessons.

Earrings should be removed for PE, if the piercing is new it should be covered with tape.

Equal Opportunities

All children have equal access to wearing school uniform regardless of culture, race, religion, gender or ability.

Compliance with Uniform Policy

All families are expected to comply with the school policy. The following actions will occur if the policy is not followed.


Proud Traditions | Wide Horizons | High Achievement
